Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard (1990)
+47 41430743
Education and masterclasses:
2022-2025: BFA Printmaking, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2019: Participant in the masterclass NJC: Next to me – photo essays on Nordic-Russian realities, DMJX / Nordic Council, Russia 2019: Participant as invited artist, Plat(t)form 2018, Wintherhur Photomuseum
2016: LUMINA Mentorprogram med Laara Matsen and Anette Skuggedal
2015: Journalism, Nynorsk Mediesenter (NRK)
2014: Assistant Jock Sturges
2012-2014: Norwegian School of Photography
2012: Assistant Alexander Neumann
2012: French and art history, Gateway College, Paris
2009-2011: Lofoten Folkehøgskole
Books, installations and publications:
2020: SVEVE - permanent installation - Ål culture center
2020: Participant in the book “Dette Året” published by Molo Press
2018: Leveld - ei bok om heime, self published
2017: Uncertain States Scandinavia Issue 05
Awards, nominations:
2024: 3rd. place Open Class, Picture of the Year Norway
2024: Gold, personal project, Gullsnitt, Norway
2024: Silver, editorial work, Gullsnitt, Norway
2023: Silver, editorial, Gullsnitt, Norway
2021: Photobook award, Belfast Photofestival, Ireland
2020: 2.nd and 3.rd place Open Class, Picture of the Year Norway
2019: Honorable mention, Book, Self Published, IPA
2019: Honorable mention, Editorial / Press - Contemporary Issue, IPA
2019: Rencontres d’Arles, Author Book Award, Frankrike
2019: Plat(t)form Winterthur (invited artist)
2018: Picture of the year - Local newespapers Norway
2018: 3rd place - Norwegian documentary - Picture of the year
2017: Diploma and 3rd place - Fashion/Beauty - Gullsnitt
2015: 2nd and 3rd place - Fashion/Beauty - Gullsnitt
2014: Newcommer of the year - Oslo Trendfilm
2013: Student of the year - Sterk Reklame
2013: 2nd place portrait - Landskonkurransen i fotografi
Exhibitions and installations:
2023: Self-ISH group exhibition with photocollective A Female Gaze - Oslo Negativ and Hos Arne, Norway
2023: NIO group exhibition - Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2022-2023: HER:NO - Galleri Seilduken, Oslo and Popup - KUK, Trondheim, Norway
2018-2021: Leveld - Belfast Photo festival, Irland and InCadaqes, Spania, Nordic Light Festival, Lofoten International Photo Festival, Trondheim Dokumentarfestival, Low Standards Oslo, Leveldtun, Leveld Kunstnartun, Stokkøyafestivalen2019: Leveld - Nordic Light Festival, Lofoten International Photo Festival, Trondheim Dokumentarfestival, Low Standards Oslo, Leveldtun, Leveld Kunstnartun, Stokkøyafestivalen
2019: Fushion - Youngstorget, Oslo
2018: Explorer HQ - Youngstorget, Oslo
2018: Explorer HQ - Youngstorget, Oslo, Norway
2017: Offbeat - Uncontaminated Oslo - Aker Brygge, Oslo, Norway
2017: Uncertain States Scandinavia- Cyan Studio, Oslo, Norway
2016: Uncontaminated Oslo - Aker Brykke, Oslo, Norway
2016: Kunstforeningens juleutstilling - Ål kulturhus
2015: Pikant - Førde, Norway
2014-2017: Fredlaus - Leveld, Norway
2014: FASE - Trondheim, Norway
2014: Vekao - Sogndal, Norway
2013: A.Vilde & Atelie Ilsvika - Trondheim, Norway
2013: Off - Galleri Syningen - Ål kulturhus, Norway
2013 Kropp - Fetenfestivalen, Geilo, Norway
2011: Groupexhibition - Kabelvåg
Teaching and presentations:
2020: Teacher photography, Danvik Folkehøyskole, Drammen, Norway
2019: Fotobook festival, Oslo, Norway
2019: Nordic Light Festival, Kristiansund
2019: Lofoten International Photo Festival, Lofoten
2018: Trondheim Dokumentarfestival, Trondheim
2017: Uncertain States Festival, Oslo
2013-2023: Lofoten Folkehøgskole, Lofoten
2019: “Bok til odel og eie” - Magasinet Fotografi (nr 33)
2019: “Jugende Talente im Aufwind” - Photonews 3/2019
2019: “Å ta med prosjektet heim” - Hallingdølen 26.06.19
2018: “Fotograf vender nesen hjem” - D2 08.11.18
2018: “Når ein kan bu kor ein vil i verda, kjem ein då til å flytte heim?” - A-magasinet 07.12.19
2018: “Ved å gjøre prosjektet personlig håper fotografen flere vil kjenne seg igjen” - Journalisten 24.10.18
2018: “Ei bok om heime” - Hallingdølen 20.10.18
2018: “Eg har liksom alltid tenkt at eg skal ut, men så skal eg heim igjen” - 26.10.18
Member of:
Forbundet Frie Fotografer
Pressefotografenes Klubb
Norsk journalistlag